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One Space Link Offers Help for Businesses Struggling with COVID-19 Pandemic

Company announces new services to help small businesses safely and effectively screen customers with contactless check-in

One Space Link offers help for businesses to re-open safely.

As the number of confirmed COVID cases continue to rise, One Space Link offers help for small businesses, such as restaurants and salons, in the fight to slow down the spread of COVID-19. The company has developed a simple software application for businesses to not only screen customers, but also reduce operational liabilities. The company has started providing their services to salons in Louisiana and Texas and hopes to expand to more states soon. The application has helped these businesses safely check in customers just by letting customers scan a QR code using their cell phones. The QR code is uniquely generated for each business, can be printed out, and posted in convenient places for customers to see. Businesses can also keep record of customers' temperature and waiver agreement within the application. During this pandemic, this method has never been more convenient and safer for both businesses and customers.

One Space Link hopes the trend of screening customers increases because that can help stop the virus on its track and that preventative measures can be taken to minimize its impact. The company hopes their application discourages someone with COVID-19 symptoms from traveling around and unknowingly infecting other people.

According to Dr. Ben Chu, a healthcare provider and co-founder of One Space Link, many people have the tendency to underestimate the seriousness of the pandemic until they or their loved ones are infected with the virus.  As a result, local governments have to make tough decisions that severely affect the economy.  For example, Honolulu had to shut down its businesses twice after a spike in cases occurred when it tried to re-open the economy.  In order for businesses to get back on their feet and for us to get back to our lives, we have to be more aggressive in dealing with this virus.

By using the "check-in" application, businesses and organizations will lend a hand in the fight against COVID-19. Currently, One Space Link offers this service free of charge for religious organizations and at a discount for small businesses.  Businesses and organizations can visit for more information or to sign up. 


SOURCE: One Space Link

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