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CXO Outlook Webinar 2021 
Redefine Resilience - seeking new ways to balance disruption and continuity

If there’s anything 2020 has taught us, it is the power of resilience. To endure the waves of challenges, many businesses have shifted gear towards technologies to empower workforce, automate operations and engage with customers.


As we are entering 2021 - when there’s nothing normal in the new economy - enterprise leaders and management are continuously seeking new ways to balance disruption and continuity. How do you benchmark against your peers in navigating this uncharted waters of the new economy? Find out the answer by participating in this innovation webinar.


Topics covered include:


  • Navigating unchartered waters – map out new territories to thrive in the new normal

  • Redefine supply chain as a growth driver

  • Technology and business experts offer insights toward HOW to thrive in the new normal:

  1. Empower talents with a new working environment and culture to enable digital success

  2. Engage with customer through actionable insights with new-found privacy

  3. Automate operations to bring agility to deal with uncertainties



  • Greg Wong, Director Analytics, Centre of Excellence BI, SAP

  • Andrew Ling, Director of Value Advisory, SAP 

  • Stephen Chan, Head of SAP SuccessFactors, SAP Hong Kong

  • Stephanie So, Solution Manager, SAP Customer Experience

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