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Into a new era of IT Ops – 
Apply AIOps to identify and resolve slow-downs and outages efficiently

Market Realities

  • Massive shifts are taking place around the world as businesses come to depend more on IT systems and digital platforms.

  • This shift has caused an exponential rise in opportunities for IT failures and downtime.

  • Four in 10 enterprise organizations – 40% – indicate that a single hour of downtime can now cost their firms from $1 million to over $5 million – exclusive of any legal fees, fines or penalties.

  • Overall, hourly downtime costs will continue to soar. And this means that companies of all sizes across all vertical markets will have little or no tolerance for downtime.

The Solutions

  • AIOps is set to grow as companies prioritize digital transformation. 

  • AIOps – the use of big data and machine learning to automate IT operations – helps simplify this alert fatigue, and we will see its growth accelerate as companies make digital transformation a key business priority.

  • AI and predictive analytics will eliminate costly IT downtime.

  • The increasing use of AI-based predictive analytics can root out problems before they even arise.

  • AI-based detection platforms are capable of monitoring IT systems in real-time, checking for early signs of potential failures.

  • By harnessing machine learning, such platforms can use past data to learn how problems typically develop, enabling a company to step in before anything unfortunate occurs.

In this video, global subject matter expert, Jessica Rockwood, will explain with demos to let you understand how AIOps can:

  • Achieve faster mean time to resolution (MTTR)

  • Provide predictive alerts addressing potential problems before lead to slow-downs or outages

  • Empower IT team to focus on higher value work with transparent and clearly explained AI decision making

Together, we will accelerate your ability to apply AIOps that quickly deliver trusted results.

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