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Innovation Webinar 2021 
The Speed of Change:

How Fast Are You, IT Leaders?


The pandemic crisis and the impact of lockdown have been a massive shock to the global economy and to our daily lives. While a “new normal” is developing, the continuation of disruption seems a certainty for some time to come. 

Ingenuity and adaptability will be the critical factors that decide the fate of organizations. Change is happening to every kind of organization at unprecedented speed.  Last year, OutSystems surveyed 2,200 IT professionals and senior IT leaders to find out how fast their organizations can respond to change, and asked them to share what made them more (or less!) ready for change. 

This webinar offers insights into which organizations are leading the race in speed and adaptability as we enter a new era of digital urgency.




  • Ir. John Hui, Chief Information Officer, The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Marouen Zelleg, Senior Director, OutSystems 

  • Matthew Wu, Solution Architect, OutSystems

  • Moderator : Sheila Lam, Editorial Consultant, Inno

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